FallFling 2005 Ritual

Dragon Hills
by Mike of Darkwood
Autumn Transition Ritual


The gong will be sounded 9 times to mark 15 minutes to start time.
The gong will be sounded 3 times to mark 5 minutes to start time.
The gong will be sounded 7 times to mark start time.

Basic Outline of the Ritual:

In Spring 2005, our main Ritual revolved around the theme of the changing of the seasons from Winter to Spring the transition from Dark to Light, from Death to Live anew. We are a family oriented group, and our children were a very big part of this Ritual. In this Ritual, they represented new life, and the return of the Light and Fertility to the Earth they represented the young goddess and god to whom the old goddess and god abdicated.

In Autumn 2005, we will continue along the theme of the changing of the seasons, but from Summer to Autumn, and the transitioning from Light to Dark, Life to Death. The youth will represent the young goddess and god, as before. But they will abdicate to the old goddess and god.