Contact Me!

I've been getting an unbelievable amount of spam even on my old Contact form, so I've upgraded to a Google reCaptcha. Death to spammers...

If you'd like to be put on the mailing list for Moondance, FallFling, and any other festivals hosted by Linda Kerr, use the form below to send your physical and email address to me. (Please put Festivals Mailing List in the comments section!). NOTE: By joining this mailing list, you will ONLY receive notice of festivals hosted in Alabama by Linda Kerr!!

If you want to know about other festivals happening in other parts of the country, please view my Calendar of Pagan Festivals. I do NOT email info about other festivals; only my own personal festivals.

(Be sure your email address is accurate! The form won't give me your email address, so without this, I won't be able to write you back!)