Faerie Faith
Reading List
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Many of the books listed here are required reading for those on the path of the Faerie Faith. Even if you're not studying with us, you can still gain insights from the books below. We tend to focus heavily on psychology and mythology, while staying away from modern-day "pop" psychology, and recommend very few or no books on ritual, tarot, magick, or other standard Pagan or Wiccan books. Some of the books listed here are fairly heavy reading, and some may seem to have absolutely nothing to do with studying the Craft. But they are all necessary to a well-rounded education. However, some of the books may be hard to find or out of print; many were written around the turn of the century. Good luck!
If you read one of these, let us know which one, and what you think! Also, if you read something not on the list, let us know about it.
Huna (Recommended to start
with) Dowsing (Followed by one here) Mythology/Psychology (then here) Mythology Women's Studies Tao Self Help/Psychology Nature Spirits The Craft Ritual Religion Folk History/Holidays |
History Native American Shamanism Astronomy/Astrology Herbs Healing Homeopathy Bach Flowers Miscellaneous Fiction |
* = required
The Secret Science Behind Miracles - Max Freedom Long
The Secret Science At Work - Max Freedom Long
Magic - Brad Steiger (Read this after you read the two Max Freedom Long
* = required
Gothic Image Publications - They publish many of the books below, and a few in the Nature Spirits category. Check out their page for many hard-to-find
Needles of Stone - Tom Graves (Order from Amazon.com)
Spiritual Dowsing - Sig Lonegren (Order through Amazon.com)
The Diviner's Handbook: A Guide to the Timeless Art of Dowsing -Tom
The Elements of Pendulum Dowsing -Tom Graves
The Essential T.C. Lethbridge - Thomas Charles Lethbridge, Tom Graves, Janet
Ley Lines and Ecology - William Bloom & Marko Pogacnik
The Old Straight Track - Alfred Watkins
* = required
The White Goddess - Robert Graves
The Power of Myth - Joseph Campbell (paperback)
Myths to Live By - Joseph Campbell
A Dictionary of Irish Mythology - Peter Berresford Ellis
Celtic Myths and Legend - Peter Berresford Ellis
The Golden Bough - James G. Frazer
The Golden Bough/2 Volumes in One - Unabridged and Illustrated James G.
* = required
Women's Mysteries: Ancient and Modern -M. Esther Harding
The Way of All Women -M. Esther Harding
Women of the Celts - Jean Markale
The Feminine in Fairy Tales -Marie-Louise von Franz
The Essential Jung - Anthony Storr
The Gnostic Jung and the Seven Sermons to the Dead - Stephan A. Hoeller
The Grail Legend - Emma Jung and Marie-Louise von Franz
The Horned God: Feminism and Men as Wounding and Healing - John Rowan
The World of the Irish Wonder Tale: An Introduction to the Study of Fairy Tales - Elliott
B. Gose, Jr. (Pagan, psychological, Jungian)
* = required
Toxic Parents - Susan Forward
*Antagonists in the Church: How to Identify and Deal with Destructive Conflict - Kenneth C.
Codependent No More: How to Stop Controlling Others and Start Caring for Yourself
- Melody Beattie
I Don't Know Where I'm Going, But I Sure Ain't Lost - Jess Lair
* = required
Gyn/Ecology - Mary Daly
When God Was a Woman - Merlin Stone(Interesting book, but her history is very
The Crone: Woman of Age, Wisdom, and Power - Barbara Walker
The Serpent and the Goddess - Women, Religion and Power in Celtic Ireland - Mary
Backlash: The Undeclared War Against American Women - Susan Faludi
* = required
The Tao of Pooh - Benjamin Hoff (paperback)
The Tao of Pooh - Benjamin Hoff (hardcover)
The Te of Piglet - Benjamin Hoff (paperback)
The Te of Piglet - Benjamin Hoff (hardcover)
Tao de Ching: A New English Version - Stephen Mitchell
* = required
Gothic Image Publications - They publish a few of the books below, and many in the Dowsing category. Check out their page for many hard-to-find
The Findhorn Garden - The Findhorn Community
Nature Spirits and Elemental Beings: Working With the Intelligence of Nature - Marko
Pogacnik and Karin Werner
Devas, Angels and Fairies - William
Bloom - (Excellent primer, very short and to the point)
Working With Angels, Fairies & Nature Spirits - William Bloom - (This book takes the place of
"Devas, Angels & Fairies," according to William Bloom)
The Secret Life of Plants - Peter Tompkins & Christopher Bird
The Secret Life of Nature: Living in Harmony With the Hidden World of Nature Spirits from
Fairies to Quarks - Peter Tompkins
* = required
The Spiral Dance - Starhawk
*The Triumph of the Moon: A History of Modern Pagan Witchcraft - Ronald Hutton
The Elements of Natural Magic - Marion Green
The Witch's Goddess: The Feminine Principle of Divinity - Janet & Stewart
The Witch's God: Lord of the Dance - Janet & Stewart Farrar
A Witch's Bible Compleat - Janet & Stewart Farrar
Drawing Down the Moon - Margot Adler
People of the Earth - Ellen Evert Hopman and Lawrence Bond
West Country Wicca: A Journal of the Old Religion - Rhiannon Ryall
Psychic Self-Defense - Dion Fortune
The Training and Work of an Initiate - Dion Fortune
* = required
Women's Rituals: A Sourcebook - Barbara Walker
Year of Moons, Season of Trees - Pattalee Glass-Koentop
Inner Traditions of Magic - William Gray
* = required
Principia Discordia - Malaclypse the Younger
*The Triumph of the Moon: A History of Modern Pagan Witchcraft - Ronald Hutton
Mystic Christianity - Yogi Ramacharaka
Irish Druids & Old Irish Religions - James Bonwick
The First and Last Freedom - Jiddu Krishnamurdi
* = required
The Silver Bough (4 volumes) - F. Marian McNeill (Note: the one linked here is
just Volume 1!)
The Silver Bough (4 volumes) - F. Marian McNeill Order the whole set here!
British Folk Customs - Christina Hole
Pagan Imagery in English Folksong - Bob Stewart
A Calendar of Country Customs - Ralph Whitlock
* = required
Book of Irish Names - Ronan Coghlan, Ida Grehan & P.W. Joyce
The Celts - T.G.E. Powell
The Celtic Druids' Year: Seasonal Cycles of the Ancient Celts - John Robert
* = required
Seven Arrows - Hyemeyohsts Storm
Lightening Bolt - Hyemeyohsts Storm
Song of the Heyoehkah - Hyemeyohsts Storm
Black Elk Speaks - John G. Neihardt
The Sacred Pipe: Black Elk's Account of the Seven Rites of the Oglala Sioux - Joseph E.
* = required
*Shamans and Religion: An Anthropological Exploration in Critical Thinking - Alice Beck
*Way of the Peaceful Warrior Dan Millman
The Teachings of Don Juan: A Yaqui Way of Knowledge - Carlos Castenada
A Separate Reality - Carlos Castenada
Journey to Ixtlan - Carlos Castenada
Tales of Power - Carlos Castenada
The Second Ring of Power - Carlos Castenada
The Eagle's Gift - Carlos Castenada
The Fire from Within - Carlos Castenada
The Power of Silence - Carlos Castenada
The Art of Dreaming - Carlos Castenada
The Wheel of Time - Carlos Castenada
Magical Passes - Carlos Castenada - his last book
The Witch's Dream - Florinda Donner (her first book - read after Castenada)
Shabono - Florinda Donner (read after Castenada)
The Way of the Shaman - Michael Harner (read after Castenada)
* = required
Moon Power - Mort Gale
* = required
The Way of Herbs - Michael Tierra
A Modern Herbal Volume I - Mrs. M. Grieve
A Modern Herbal Volume II - Mrs. M. Grieve
School of Natural Healing - Dr. John R. Christopher
* = required
Staying Healthy With the Seasons - Elson M. Haas
Healing Wise - Susan Weed
Light: Medicine of the Future - Jacob Liberman
Let's Eat Right to Keep Fit - Adelle Davis
Let's Get Well - Adelle Davis
Where There is No Doctor - David Werner
* = required
The Complete Book of Homeopathy - Michael Weiner & Kathleen Goss
* = required
Bach Flower Therapy - Mechthild Scheffer
Handbook of the Bach Flower Remedies - Phillip Chancellor
Dictionary of the Bach Flower Remedies - T.W. Hyne Jones
The Bach Flower Remedies: Three Books in One: Heal Thyself and The Twelve
Healers by Edward Bach, and The Bach Remedies Repertory by R.J.
The Bach Remedies Repertory (just the one book by itself) - R.J. Wheeler
* = required
The Book of Sacred Stones: Fact and Fallacy in the Crystal World - Barbara
Communion - Whitley Strieber
Transformation - Whitley Strieber
The Psychic Power of Plants - John Whitman
Sensitive Chaos: The Creation of Flowing Forms in Air and Water - Theodore
Water: The Element of Life - Theodore Schwanck
* = required
CatMagic - Whitley Strieber (Witches, Faerie)
Riders of the Sidhe (#1) - Kenneth Flint (Irish Myth)
Champions of the Sidhe (#2) - Kenneth Flint (Irish Myth)
Master of the Sidhe (#3) - Kenneth Flint (Irish Myth)
White Mare, Red Stallion - Diana Paxson (Scottish Paganism)
Brisingamen - Diana Paxson (Norse Myth, modern day)
The Mists of Avalon - Marion Zimmer Bradley (Arthur, Faerie)
The Forest House (the prequel to Mists of Avalon) - Marion Zimmer Bradley
(Arthur, Faerie)
Lady of Avalon (the sequel to Forest House) - Marion Zimmer Bradley (Arthur,
Greenmantle - Charles DeLint (Pagans, Pan)
Job: A Comedy of Justice - Robert Heinlein (Religion)
Stranger in a Strange Land - Robert Heinlein (Religion)
The Last Rainbow - Parke Godwin (Faerie, St. Patrick, Scotland)
The Illuminatus! Trilogy - Robert Shea and Robert Anton Wilson (funny, strange
Gate of Darkness, Circle of Light - Tanya Huff (Faerie)
Mabiniogion series - Evangiline Walton
Children of the Night -Mercedes Lackey
Burning Water - Mercedes Lackey
Jinx High - Mercedes Lackey