Releasing the Circle

In the Faerie Faith, at least in our group, what used to be called the Garden Club, and is now the Church of the Spiral Tree, we have a really unique thing that we use, that no one else seems to use. It's a fire cauldron we call "Freddie". We set Freddie up (special ingredients!) before circle, then light him before circle starts and let him get good and built up. He burns throughout circle, often spinning with the direction of the energy, and leaping and dancing about. At the end of the circle, rather than dismissing everything verbally, we share water around the circle, then share some with Freddie. Usually he gets quite excited at this point, we have a large, impressive fireball, then we put the lid on him (but sometimes he just fizzles!). This instantly plunges the circle into darkness and deprives us of our heat source (waahh!), thus very effectively dispelling any left over energies from the circle.

Check out our photo of Freddie at his height, after sharing water with him - he's towering over me (Linda Kerr), must be about 10-12 feet in the air, and you can see his "face." Very impressive! The picture was taken by Dana Finchum. This was published in the "Lunar Calendar - Dedicated to the Goddess in Her Many Guises" by Nancy Passmore of Luna Press back in 1993.

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