Moondance Class or Ritual Volunteer Form
**PLEASE NOTE!! YOU MUST REGISTER AND PAY IN ADVANCE (prior to the deadline) FOR YOUR CLASS TO BE ADDED TO THE SCHEDULE. This is a new policy - I've had too many people "flake out" and not show up at all when they had planned to just pay at the gate. When that happens, attendees are disappointed when they show up at a cancelled class. Also, if you fail to show up to teach your class, in the future if you want to teach, you will be required to pay an extra $25, which will be refunded to you after your class is completed.
** Deadline for Classes and Rituals: All class/workshop teachers must Register and pay in advance and submit this Class/Ritual Volunteer Form by the deadline. This is so I can a) be assured you will show up, b) get the final schedule organized, and c) get the info in the Schedule Booklet before it goes to print. NO EXCEPTIONS! Note: Leading a class or ritual counts as part of your community service to the festival, and does not grant you discounted admission (sorry!).Things we need to know if you'd like to hold a class or ritual:
(Classes will be scheduled for Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, 10:00 am - 4:00 pm, unless you
want to hold it at a special time. Rituals can be held most anytime, as long as conflicts with other
things are kept to a minimum. Early volunteers will get prime spots.)
* = Required Fields